Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SEO Semantics - Don't Be Fooled!

When you first start out on your quest to earn money blogging, there are two very critical things that you must stay focused on:
  • Ranking In The Search Engines
  • Targeting Your Market Niche
Ranking In The Search Engines

If you want get targeted visitors to your site there is only one way to accomplish this; and that is by getting your site in front of viewers!  And the only way to accomplish that is to rank well in the search engines.  Granted, depending upon your marketing niche this may be complicated because of the competition.  But is it impossible?  NO!  It just takes some work and effort on your part.  The funny thing is that a lot of people want to earn money without having to do a lot of work.  Call it being lazy, or simply expecting things to happen with minimal effort.  Let me cut right to the chase.  If you fall into either of these two categories, don't expect to earn money blogging or with any online money earning venture because its simply not going to happen!
Now you may be squirming in your chair as you read this; saying to yourself, well, I saw this advertisement for this affordable SEO marketing program which guarantees that my site will get thousands of targeted visitors, so why invest so much time and effort if I can do it the easy way by simply buying this program?  Let me ask you this.  Have you ever gained anything worthwhile in life without having to put forth effort?  Are you willing to squander away hundreds of dollars for some program that probably will not work?  Because if it doesn't work your right back to square-one with your blog, and you've lost your money for some bogus program!  Let me assure you that 99% of the programs are nothing but SEO Semantics.  They try and convince you that there are all these complicated technicalities which entail a lot of work which you are probably not qualified enough to perform.  WRONG!  Let me assure you that its NOT complicated at all!  But you have to be willing to invest some time to learn and apply one simple and FREE method to do this.  That is what I did, and I learned it all for FREE from my dear friend Griz.  I applied what he teaches for free, and everyone of my sites rank on page one of the search engines.  So if you want to earn money blogging, do yourself a big favor and learn from him like I did.  See for yourself Why the SEO and Social Media Industry will Hurt You.  Don't be a fool and waste you money buying some SEO program.  Browse around his site and lap up the infinite knowledge that he provides for FREE!  You won't be disappointed.

Targeting Your Market Niche

Trying to keep track of all the niche research tools out there is pretty much next to impossible. WordTracker, AdWords, SpyFu, SEO Elite, ...  So let’s just put that on the back burner for a minute and focus your attention on one simple question. Which of these situations do you think would be easiest to sell?
  • Website Advice to a 55 Year Old Woman
  • Health Food to a 25 Year Old Man
  • A New Car to a Young Married Couple
  • A Glass of Water to a Man Lost in the Desert
You might think that the first three scenarios are pretty equal. Those people could all be in the market for those items – the sale isn’t impossible, and its a relatively easy market to contend in.  But look at number four – the poor man dying of thirst in the middle of the desert. Now that’s a good market niche. You could charge that man anything you wanted if you ran across him in the desert and he would pay it because above and beyond anything else he NEEDS water.
If someone needs website advice, they can probably find it for free in a half dozen places. If someone needs health food they can buy it just about anywhere. And if someone needs a new car they can afford to wait for a while, because they can drive their clunker around until it finally breaks.  However, if someone NEEDS water
and they’re lost in the desert, their options are limited.
This is the exact mentality you’re trying to pinpoint and nail down. You need an audience that is dying of thirst, and you should be the one to have all the water. You want them breaking down doors to find you and to demand you sell them that water.
This is the key to Internet marketing success.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Success Is Your Choice If You Want To Earn Money Blogging

Probably just about everyone has heard of the term "blog" or "blogging", but the average person has no clue about what a blog is, or how it even works -- let alone how to earn money blogging.  But times are changing as a result of the economic recession, and people are frantically in search of an alternative means to earn money because they have either taken a pay cut, had their work  hours slashed, or they have lost their job altogether!  The fact is that the potential to earn money online with a blog is growing more and more as each day passes!

Now maybe your not so optimistic that this blogging thing is a legitimate means to earn money?  After all, there are so many online scams out there and you hear story after story of the horrors of other people's experiences in being ripped off by some internet get rich quick scheme.  Nevertheless, the fact is that there is a continually growing opportunity to join the thousands of people who are taking advantage of the e-commerce market to earn money online for free!  So let's start with the facts, and then I'll provide some safe and legitimate resources to earn money online for free without any investment on your part.


I like facts because they cannot be disputed.  Therefore, when it comes to an opportunity to earn money blogging I'll let the facts speak for themselves to demonstrate that this blogging thing truly is legitimate.

Anyone who wants to earn money blogging must engage in what is known as e-commerce.  E-commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.  As such, if one is considering an e-commerce business, (i.e., marketing and selling products from a blog) then the status of  the current e-commerce market is especially relevant.  After all, nobody can expect to earn money in a dried-up or dwindling market, and to make any business investment in such a market would be foolish!  So lets look at the most recent e-commerce market facts.

In its May 15, 2009 report, the Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced  that the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the first quarter of 2009 was $31.7 billion, an increase of 0.7 percent (±1.1%)* from the fourth quarter of 2008.  Further, in its August 17, 2009 report the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the second quarter of 2009 was $32.4 billion, an increase of 2.2 percent (±1.2%) from the first quarter of 2009.

Clearly, there is a growing trend in the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks.  Therefore, joining  this market would be a sound business investment so you will know where to earn money online.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Little Encouragement To Earn Money Blogging

Everyone needs encouragement in some form or another, and there is no exception to the rule when it comes to making a success of your online entrepreneurship.
Probably the most complicated matter for any online entrepreneur is getting your website or blog noticed.  Anyone can create a website or blog, but can you get targeted visitors to your site from potential customers who want what you have to offer?  And what is it that you are offering?  These answers to these two questions are the utmost key components to any hope you may have to earn money blogging, so that is where I will focus my attention.
There are a billion online sites which promise that if you use their program or read their book(s) that you you will become rich over night.  DO NOT believe them!  Any type of success takes time and great effort to achieve, and online marketing is no exception.  You have to work!  But in this complicated arena of business it would be futile to simply invest 10's or 100's of hours creating websites or blogs, because cyberspace is so vast!  Its comparable to trying to sell water to a fish that lives in the ocean...  Likewise, aimlessly attacking this vast market arena without precise targeting will result in a site that simply goes nowhere fast.  Again, you have to provide what people want, and you have to get it in front of their eyes.